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15 Python Tips : How to Write Code Effectively

 Here are some Python tips to keep in mind that will help you write clean, efficient, and bug-free code.     Python Tips for Effective Coding 1. Code Readability and PEP 8  Always aim for clean and readable code by following PEP 8 guidelines.  Use meaningful variable names, avoid excessively long lines (stick to 79 characters), and organize imports properly. 2. Use List Comprehensions List comprehensions are concise and often faster than regular for-loops. Example: squares = [x**2 for x in range(10)] instead of creating an empty list and appending each square value. 3. Take Advantage of Python’s Built-in Libraries  Libraries like itertools, collections, math, and datetime provide powerful functions and data structures that can simplify your code.   For example, collections.Counter can quickly count elements in a list, and itertools.chain can flatten nested lists. 4. Use enumerate Instead of Range     When you need both the index ...

Talent Analytics on employees to measure real worth

Human resource managers are currently embracing talent analytics like never before. Companies are evaluating and analysing raw data to derive valuable insights which are helping them to hire the right talent, retain them as well as help them learn and grow internally.
talent analytics

Data to do analytics

Talent analytics companies take into account all the data, rather than limited samples, so a full-fledged picture emerges. 

It looks for patterns in the data and discovers critical connections that might otherwise go unnoticed. Such data can be related to employees' pre-employment assessments to background checks to social media profiles.

How data will gather

They also gather data on the characteristics of their most successful employees. When big data is tapped this way, HR managers no longer need to depend on intuitions of interviewers and hiring managers or rely on obsolete hiring tools of yesteryears. 

Organisations are also leveraging big data to hire and promote top performers who will enable companies to meet with their dynamically changing business needs.

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