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How to Create a Symmetric Array in Python

 Here's a Python program that says to write a Symmetric array transformation. A top interview question. Symmetric Array Transformation Problem: Write a Python function that transforms a given array into a symmetric array by mirroring it around its center. For example: Input: [1, 2, 3] Output: [1, 2, 3, 2, 1] Hints: Use slicing for the reverse part. Concatenate the original array with its mirrored part. Example def symmetric_array(arr):     """     Transforms the input array into a symmetric array by mirroring it around its center.     Parameters:     arr (list): The input array.     Returns:     list: The symmetric array.     """     # Mirror the array by concatenating the original with its reverse (excluding the last element to avoid duplication)     return arr + arr[-2::-1] # Example usage input_array = [1, 2, 3] symmetric_result = symmetric_array(input_array) print("Input Array:", input_arr...

The best helpful HDFS File System Commands (2 of 4)

Hadoop+Big data+Jobs, Apply Now
CopyFrom Local
Works similarly to the put command, except that the source is restricted to a local file reference.
hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal URI
hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal input/docs/data2.txt hdfs://localhost/user/rosemary/data2.txt

HDFS Commands Part-1of 4

Works similarly to the get command, except that the destination is restricted to a local file reference.
hdfs dfs -copyToLocal [-ignorecrc] [-crc] URI
hdfs dfs -copyToLocal data2.txt data2.copy.txt

Counts the number of directories, files, and bytes under the paths that match the specified file pattern.
hdfs dfs -count [-q]
hdfs dfs -count hdfs://nn1.example.com/file1 hdfs://nn2.example.com/file2

Copies one or more files from a specified source to a specified destination. If you specify multiple sources, the specified destination must be a directory.
hdfs dfs -cp URI [URI …]
hdfs dfs -cp /user/hadoop/file1 /user/hadoop/file2 /user/hadoop/dir

Displays the size of the specified file, or the sizes of files and directories that are contained in the specified directory. If you specify the -s option, displays an aggregate summary of file sizes rather than individual file sizes. If you specify the -h option, formats the file sizes in a "human-readable" way.

hdfs dfs -du [-s] [-h] URI [URI …]
hdfs dfs -du /user/hadoop/dir1 /user/hadoo


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