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Python Logic to Find All Unique Pairs in an Array

 Here's the Python logic for finding all unique pairs in an array that sum up to a target value. Python Unique Pair Problem Write a Python function that finds all unique pairs in an array whose sum equals a target value. Avoid duplicates in the result. For example: Input: arr = [2, 4, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9] , target = 9 Output: [(2, 7), (4, 5)] Hints Use a set for tracking seen numbers. Check for complements efficiently. Example def find_unique_pairs(arr, target):     """     Finds all unique pairs in the array that sum up to the target value.     Parameters:     arr (list): The input array of integers.     target (int): The target sum value.     Returns:     list: A list of unique pairs that sum to the target value.     """     seen = set()     pairs = set()     for num in arr:         complement = target - num         if complement in seen:...

Amazon Web Service Import/Export Commands

In the process like Hadoop cluster, which is already installed on CLOUD, the main input for data processing is huge volume of data. The big questions is how to send data to CLOUD from local machine.
It is NOT so easy to send huge volume of data to CLOUD through network.

AWS Import or Export

AWS introduced new feature called Import/Export, so that you can send hard drive to AWS, they will upload your data to S3 storage.

Different calculations:

How networking causes hurdle to move data to cloud?

A) Your internet speed is 1.544 MBPS it takes 82 days - So your data is 100 GB or more, based on your net speed you need to go for Import/Export.

Your internet speed is 10 MBPS it takes 13 days - So your data is 600 GB or more, based on your net speed you need to go for Import/Export.


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