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Mastering flat_map in Python with List Comprehension

Introduction In Python, when working with nested lists or iterables, one common challenge is flattening them into a single list while applying transformations. Many programming languages provide a built-in flatMap function, but Python does not have an explicit flat_map method. However, Python’s powerful list comprehensions offer an elegant way to achieve the same functionality. This article examines implementation behavior using Python’s list comprehensions and other methods. What is flat_map ? Functional programming  flatMap is a combination of map and flatten . It transforms the collection's element and flattens the resulting nested structure into a single sequence. For example, given a list of lists, flat_map applies a function to each sublist and returns a single flattened list. Example in a Functional Programming Language: List(List(1, 2), List(3, 4)).flatMap(x => x.map(_ * 2)) // Output: List(2, 4, 6, 8) Implementing flat_map in Python Using List Comprehension Python’...

4 Must read Blockchain Disadvantages for Consumers

Here are the disadvantages of Blockchain. Below, you will find the list of these.

Blockchain Disadvantages

  1. Lack of privacy
  2. Loss of personal responsibility
  3. Loss of jobs
  4. Reintermediation

1. Lack of Privacy

Public blockchains do not hide any of their data. Instead, everyone can read the complete history of transactions. This level of transparency is frightening for those who want to protect their privacy.

These concerns are understandable when considering the level at which personal data are already collected and utilized by large corporations or intelligence agencies.

2. Loss of Responsibility

Loss of personal responsibility is often considered a consequence of disintermediation. Intermediaries not only bring different parties of a contract together but may also provide guarantees. They offer reconciliation in cases when transactions do not work out as intended, and they are also obliged to take responsibility for their actions.

The shift from trust in people and human organizations to trust in protocols and technology may lead to a loss of personal service and personal responsibility.


3. Loss of Jobs

Automation and standardization play a profound cause to lose many jobs. Third parties, such as banks, brokers, custodians, money-transfer agencies, and notaries directly tied to their roles as intermediaries.

All these jobs could be at risk when a sea portion of financial transactions automated by using Blockchain technology.


4. Reintermediation

The complexity and its open legal status discourage individuals and organizations from using Blockchain technology.

If people prefer third-party services instead of using Blockchain technology, it surely hurdles the real usage.

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