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Python Logic to Find All Unique Pairs in an Array

 Here's the Python logic for finding all unique pairs in an array that sum up to a target value. Python Unique Pair Problem Write a Python function that finds all unique pairs in an array whose sum equals a target value. Avoid duplicates in the result. For example: Input: arr = [2, 4, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9] , target = 9 Output: [(2, 7), (4, 5)] Hints Use a set for tracking seen numbers. Check for complements efficiently. Example def find_unique_pairs(arr, target):     """     Finds all unique pairs in the array that sum up to the target value.     Parameters:     arr (list): The input array of integers.     target (int): The target sum value.     Returns:     list: A list of unique pairs that sum to the target value.     """     seen = set()     pairs = set()     for num in arr:         complement = target - num         if complement in seen:...

5 Top Digital Skills You need in Future

Before you perform work in a new-age digital job, focus on the real skills you need to learn.

real digital skills

1. Automate Repeated Tasks

  • Take the best example of saving all the emails from google account. That is after sending an email that should save in an Excel document.
  • This is one kind of Skill. So learning technologies to create Tools for this kind of automation provide you a lot of job opportunities.

2. Automate Stop Function

For example, work and home both are different. After certain hours the access to the Company network should be stopped. So that you can focus on your Home duties. Here you should have tools to do this kind of activity.

3. Data visualization

How to present data in a user-friendly way is the topmost digital skill. Nowadays there are many tools present. The Best example is Tableau. You can present the data in a user-friendly way.

4. Working Ability in Cloud Environment

For example, the olden days' servers are complex to migrate and move from one area to another. Cloud computing helps you to ease your job. You can move anywhere easily across the globe. Cloud servers really helpful. Learning Cloud computing shows a better career.

5. Ability to Use Modern Communication Channels

You can use Smart Phones, Social media, WhatsUp, Video conference, Voice calls, Internet-connected phones, to communicate with remote clients. You need to know how to use all these channels.

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