Hadoop fs ācat FILE [FILE ā¦]
Displays the files' content. For reading compressed files.
Hadoop fs āchgrp [-R] GROUP PATH [PATH ā¦]
Changes the group association for files and directories. The ā R option applies the change recursively.
The user must be the files' owner or a superuser.
Hadoop fs āchmod [-R] MODE[,MODE ā¦] PATH [PATH ā¦]
Changes the permissions of files and directories. Like, its Unix equivalent, MODE can be a 3-digit octal mode, or {augo}+/-{rwxX}. The -R option applies the change recursively. The user must be the files' owner or a superuser.
Hadoop fs āchown [-R] [OWNER][:[GROUP]] PATH [PATHā¦]
Changes the ownership of files and directories. The āR option applies the change recursively. The user must be a superuser.
Hadoop fs ācopyFromLocal LOCALSRC [LOCALSRC ā¦] DST
Identical to put (copy files from the local file system).
Hadoop fs ācopyToLocal [-ignorecrc] [-crc] SRC [SRCā¦] LOCALDST
Identical to get (copy files to the local file system).
Hadoop fs ācount [-q] PATH [PATH ā¦]
Displays the number of subdirectories, number of files, number of bytes used, and name for all files/directories identified by PATH. The -option displays quota information.
Hadoop fs ācp SRC [SRC ā¦] DST
Copies files from source to destination. If multiple source files are specified, the destination must be a directory.
Hadoop fs ādu PATH [PATH ā¦]
Displays file sizes. If PATH is a directory, the size of each file in the directory is reported. Filenames are stated with the full URI protocol prefix. Note that although dust and for disk usage,
it should not be taken literally, as disk usage depends on block size and replica factors.
Hadoop fs ādus PATH [PATH ā¦]
Like du, but for a directory, dus reports the sum of file sizes in aggregate rather than individually.
Hadoop fs āexpunge
Empties the trash. If the trash feature is enabled, when a file is deleted, it is first moved into the temporary. Trash/ folder. The file will be permanently deleted from the. Trash/ folder only after a user-configurable delay. The expunge command forcefully deletes all files from the. Trash/ folder. Note that as long as a file is in the. Trash/ folder, it can be restored by moving it back to its original location.
Hadoop fs āget [-ignorecrc] [-crc] SRC [SRC ā¦] LOCALDST
Copies files to the local filesystem. If multiple source files are specified, a local destination must be a directory. If LOCALDST is -, the files are copied to stdout.
HDFS computes a checksum for each block of each file. The checksums for a file are stored separately in a hidden file. When a file is read from HDFS, the checksums in that hidden file are used to verify the file's integrity. For the get command, the -crc option will copy that hidden checksum file. The - ignore crc option will skip the checksum checking when copying.
Hadoop fs āgetmerge SRC [SRC ā¦] LOCALDST [addnl]
Retrieves all files identified by SRC, merges them, and writes the single merged file to LOCALDST in the local filesystem. The option addnl will add a newline character to the end of each file.
Hadoop fs āhelp [CMD]
Displays usage information for the command CMD. If CMD is omitted, it displays useful information for all commands.
Hadoop fs āls PATH [PATH ā¦]
Lists files and directories. Each entry shows the name, permissions, owner, group, size, and modification date. File entries also show their replication factor.
Hadoop fs ālsr PATH [PATH ā¦]
The recursive version of ls.
Hadoop fs āmkdir PATH [PATH ā¦]
Creates directories. Any missing parent directories are also created (like Unix mkdir āp).
Hadoop fs āmoveFromLocal LOCALSRC [LOCALSRC ā¦] DST
Similar to put, except the local source is deleted after it's been successfully copied to HDFS.
Hadoop fs āmoveToLocal [-crc] SRC [SRC ā¦] LOCALDST
Displays a "not implemented yet" message.
Hadoop fs āmv SRC [SRC ā¦] DST
Moves files from source(s) to destination.
If multiple source files are specified, the destination has to be a directory. Moving across filesystems is not permitted.
Hadoop fs āput LOCALSRC [LOCALSRC ā¦] DST
Copies files or directories from local system to destination filesystem. If LOCALSRC is set to -, input is set to stdin and DST must be a file.
Hadoop fs ārm PATH [PATH ā¦]
Deletes files and empty directories.
Hadoop fs ārmr PATH [PATH ā¦]
The recursive version of rm.
Hadoop fs āsetrep [-R] [-w] REP PATH [PATH ā¦]
Sets the target replication factor to REP for given files. The -R option will recursively apply the target replication factor to files in directories identified by PATH. The replication factor will take some time to get to the target. The -w option will wait for the replication factor to match the target.
Hadoop fs āstat [FORMAT] PATH [PATH ā¦]
Displays "statistical" information on files. The FORMAT string is printed exactly but with the following format, specifiers replaced. %b Size of file in blocks %F. The string "directory" or "regular file" depending on file type %n Filename %o Block size %r Replication %y UTC date in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format %Y Milliseconds since January 1, 1970 UTC.
Hadoop fs ātail [-f] FILE
Displays the last one kilobyte of FILE.
Hadoop fs ātest ā[ezd] PATH
Performs one of the following type checks on PATH: -e PATH existence. Returns 0 if PATH exists. -z Empty file. Returns 0 if file length is 0. -d Returns 0 if PATH is a directory.
Hadoop fs ātext FILE [FILE ā¦]
Displays the textual content of files. Identical to catif files are text files. Files in known compressed
format (gzip and Hadoop's binary sequence file format)
are uncompressed first.
Hadoop fs ātouchz FILE [FILE ā¦]
Creates files of length 0. Fails if files already exist and have nonzero length.
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