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Python Set Operations Explained: From Theory to Real-Time Applications

A  set  in Python is an unordered collection of unique elements. It is useful when storing distinct values and performing operations like union, intersection, or difference. Real-Time Example: Removing Duplicate Customer Emails in a Marketing Campaign Imagine you are working on an email marketing campaign for your company. You have a list of customer emails, but some are duplicated. Using a set , you can remove duplicates efficiently before sending emails. Code Example: # List of customer emails (some duplicates) customer_emails = [ "alice@example.com" , "bob@example.com" , "charlie@example.com" , "alice@example.com" , "david@example.com" , "bob@example.com" ] # Convert list to a set to remove duplicates unique_emails = set (customer_emails) # Convert back to a list (if needed) unique_email_list = list (unique_emails) # Print the unique emails print ( "Unique customer emails:" , unique_email_list) Ou...

Offline Authentication - The Top Differences Between RSA and Entrust Tokens

RSA token and Entrust token both are public-key providers. In the process of identity management, both play a typical role. 

Once you register with token providers, you will get one private Token. You need to enter both a private PIN and a Token number displayed on the App.

These tokens are mandatory for financial projects. Else they have to pay hefty penalties by non following compliance. Also, check AWS Encryption Top Supported Features.

Entrust Mini Token.

Entrust Token.

Entrust provides both private and public keys to access secure domains.
  • Time-based OATH TOTP algorithm (OT version).
  • Supports PVN validation.
  • First, you need to enter the private PIN and then Token.

RSA Token.

RSA Token.

RSA provides both private and public keys. Both the keys you need to enter to log in to financial or secure servers.
  • Identity management.
  • Both Soft token and Hard tokens available.
  • With the registered token, you can access multiple devices.
  • Finger Print based tokens available
  • Face recognition Tokens available.
  • RSA uses a machine learning approach to provide the right token based on the risk study.

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