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Python Set Operations Explained: From Theory to Real-Time Applications

A  set  in Python is an unordered collection of unique elements. It is useful when storing distinct values and performing operations like union, intersection, or difference. Real-Time Example: Removing Duplicate Customer Emails in a Marketing Campaign Imagine you are working on an email marketing campaign for your company. You have a list of customer emails, but some are duplicated. Using a set , you can remove duplicates efficiently before sending emails. Code Example: # List of customer emails (some duplicates) customer_emails = [ "alice@example.com" , "bob@example.com" , "charlie@example.com" , "alice@example.com" , "david@example.com" , "bob@example.com" ] # Convert list to a set to remove duplicates unique_emails = set (customer_emails) # Convert back to a list (if needed) unique_email_list = list (unique_emails) # Print the unique emails print ( "Unique customer emails:" , unique_email_list) Ou...

How to Check If Statement Multiple Conditions in Python and Ensure Tidy Code

Here're examples for Python multiple if conditions (statements). These are useful for interviews and projects. Many programmers confuse to write IF logic in Python. Below examples useful for your quick reference.

Python IF Statements Multiple Conditions Examples

Multiple IF Conditions

  1. IF, IF
  2. IF 'ELSE'
  3. IF 'or'
  4. IF 'and'
  5. Nested IF
  6. IF 'continue'
  7. IF 'break'

In Python, the decision-making logic you can write with IF condition. You can write multiple IF conditions (Single way decision). At the same time, you can write IF and ELSE conditions (Two-way decision).

Multiple IF conditions the best example.

def main(): 
       celsius = float(input("What is the Celsius temperature? ")) 
       fahrenheit = 9/5 * celsius + 32 
       print("The temperature is", fahrenheit, "degrees Fahrenheit.")
 # Print warnings for extreme temps 
     if fahrenheit > 90: 
          print("It's really hot out there. Be careful!") 
     if fahrenheit < 30: 
          print("Brrrrr. Be sure to dress warmly!")

Note:  Writing IF conditions like this we call it a Single way of Decision. 

IF-Else condition the best example.

def main(): 
      print("This program finds the real solutions to a quadratic\n") 
      a = float(input("Enter coefficient a: ")) 
      b = float(input("Enter coefficient b: ")) 
      c = float(input("Enter coefficient c: ")) 
      discrim = b * b - 4 * a * c 
     if discrim < 0: 
          print("\nThe equation has no real roots!") 
         discRoot = math.sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c) 
         root1 = (-b + discRoot) / (2 * a) 
         root2 = (-b - discRoot) / (2 * a) 
         print("\n The solutions are:", root1, root2

Note: Writing IF conditions like this we call it Two way of Decision.


Nested IF condition the best example.

if condition:
	if condition:

IF Continue condition the best example.

Notes: 'Continue' just continue the next iteration of the loop.

>>> for num in range(2, 10):
...     if num % 2 == 0:
...         print "Found an even number", num
...         continue
...     print "Found a number", num
Found an even number 2

IF break conditions the best example.

>>> for n in range(2, 10):
...     for x in range(2, n):
...         if n % x == 0:
...             print n, 'equals', x, '*', n/x
...             break
...     else:
...         # loop fell through without finding a factor
...         print n, 'is a prime number'

IF True Best Example.

flag = True
if flag:

IF 'and' the Best Example.

if((a>b and a>c) and (a != b and a != c)): 
    print(a, " is the largest") 
elif((b>a and b>c) and (b != a and b != c)): 
    print(b, " is the largest") 
elif((c>a and c>b) and (c != a and c != b)): 
    print(c, " is the largest") 
    print("entered numbers are equal"

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