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Python Logic to Find All Unique Pairs in an Array

 Here's the Python logic for finding all unique pairs in an array that sum up to a target value. Python Unique Pair Problem Write a Python function that finds all unique pairs in an array whose sum equals a target value. Avoid duplicates in the result. For example: Input: arr = [2, 4, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9] , target = 9 Output: [(2, 7), (4, 5)] Hints Use a set for tracking seen numbers. Check for complements efficiently. Example def find_unique_pairs(arr, target):     """     Finds all unique pairs in the array that sum up to the target value.     Parameters:     arr (list): The input array of integers.     target (int): The target sum value.     Returns:     list: A list of unique pairs that sum to the target value.     """     seen = set()     pairs = set()     for num in arr:         complement = target - num         if complement in seen:...

Python Subset: How to Get Subset of Dictionary

Here's a sample program to get the python subset. In this case, you'll find logic for dictionary subsets.

Subset from a Dictionary in Python

Dictionary python

To illustrate, I have taken a dictionary as below with keys and values.

my_first_dict = {

'HP': 100
'IBM': 200
'NTT': 300
'ABC': 400
'GDF': 500

I want to make a subset of values greater than 100 and less than 400. How can you achieve this? No worries, below, you will find the logic.

Logic to get subset out of a dictionary

I am using dictionary comprehension to achieve this.


sub_set = { key:value for key, value in my_first_dict.items() value >100 and value <400}


Dictionary comprehension



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