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Python Logic to Find All Unique Pairs in an Array

 Here's the Python logic for finding all unique pairs in an array that sum up to a target value. Python Unique Pair Problem Write a Python function that finds all unique pairs in an array whose sum equals a target value. Avoid duplicates in the result. For example: Input: arr = [2, 4, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9] , target = 9 Output: [(2, 7), (4, 5)] Hints Use a set for tracking seen numbers. Check for complements efficiently. Example def find_unique_pairs(arr, target):     """     Finds all unique pairs in the array that sum up to the target value.     Parameters:     arr (list): The input array of integers.     target (int): The target sum value.     Returns:     list: A list of unique pairs that sum to the target value.     """     seen = set()     pairs = set()     for num in arr:         complement = target - num         if complement in seen:...

Best Practices for Handling Duplicate Elements in Python Lists

Here are three awesome ways that you can use to remove duplicates in a list. These are helpful in resolving your data analytics solutions.

Methods to remove list duplicates

 01. Using a Set

Convert the list into a set, which automatically removes duplicates due to its unique element nature, and then convert the set back to a list.


original_list = [2, 4, 6, 2, 8, 6, 10]

unique_list = list(set(original_list))

02. Using a Loop

Iterate through the original list and append elements to a new list only if they haven't been added before.


original_list = [2, 4, 6, 2, 8, 6, 10]

unique_list = []

for item in original_list:

    if item not in unique_list:


03. Using List Comprehension

Create a new list using a list comprehension that includes only the elements not already present in the new list.


original_list = [2, 4, 6, 2, 8, 6, 10]

unique_list = []

[unique_list.append(item) for item in original_list if item not in unique_list]

All three methods will result in unique_list containing only the distinct elements from the original_list. Keep in mind that the order of elements might not be preserved using the set approach as sets are unordered collections. The loop and list comprehension methods will maintain the order of the elements.



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