
Showing posts with the label Cloud Computing

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PowerCurve for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide

PowerCurve is a complete suite of decision-making solutions that help businesses make efficient, data-driven decisions. Whether you're new to PowerCurve or want to understand its core concepts, this guide will introduce you to chief features, applications, and benefits. What is PowerCurve? PowerCurve is a decision management software developed by Experian that allows organizations to automate and optimize decision-making processes. It leverages data analytics, machine learning, and business rules to provide actionable insights for risk assessment, customer management, fraud detection, and more. Key Features of PowerCurve Data Integration – PowerCurve integrates with multiple data sources, including internal databases, third-party data providers, and cloud-based platforms. Automated Decisioning – The platform automates decision-making processes based on predefined rules and predictive models. Machine Learning & AI – PowerCurve utilizes advanced analytics and AI-driven models ...

6 Secrets About DevOps You Can learn today


13 Cloud Computing Terminology Quick Read

Cloud computing is a big ocean. Due to increased services, a developer must know the glossary ( keywords) involved. 1) AWS Amazon Web services 2) Content delivery network (CDN) It is a distributed system. Servers are located in remote locations. Customers feel that they are accessing the servers. 3) Cloud A global network to access the resources. 4) Cloud portability The feature to move data from one Cloud provider to another provider. 5)  Cloudsourcing Moving traditional IT operations to Cloud computing. 6) Cloud storage It is a service providing to users to store data using the internet or other private networks. 7) Cloudware It is Software that helps to run user applications in cloud computing. Terminology 8) Cluster A group of small computers connected together to form a Single big computer. High availability and load balancing are the main benefits. 9) Consumer cloud The cloud provider offers services to individual users. You can call it a consumer cloud. 10) Consumption...

OpenStack Private Cloud, What IT Developers Should Learn

An example of OpenStack Usage: The second largest car manufacturer in the world, Volkswagen Group, will use the open-source cloud computing platform OpenStack to build a private cloud that will host websites for its brands VW, Audi, and Porsche, and will be a platform for innovating automotive technology, the company announced Wednesday. Photo Credit: Srini For the past two years, VW officials at the company’s Wolfsburg, Germany, headquarters debated what platform to use. VW decided to first build out a private cloud based on OpenStack that will eventually span thousands of physical nodes across multiple data centers in the U.S., Europe, and Asia. Eventually, VW hopes to incorporate public cloud resources to create a hybrid cloud, said officials with VW’s consultant, Mirantis. When fully built out, VW’s private cloud could be one of the top five or 10 largest OpenStack-based clouds in production, said Mirantis co-founder and chief marketing officer Boris Renski. According to t...

3 top IT Skills every new IT Professionals learn to progress in software career

What are the skills needed by the new IT professionals or job seekers who help the  organisation  transition to IT-as-a-Service.  In order  to lead their  organisations  to the cloud, IT professionals must focus on three fundamental areas: Core  Virtualisation  Skill Sets IT professionals must think and operate in the virtual world. No longer can they be tied to the old paradigm of physical assets dedicated to specific users or applications. They must think in terms of “services” riding on top of a fully virtualized infrastructure, and how applications will take advantage of shared resources with both servers and storage. This requires comprehensive skills in both server and storage virtualization technology, and enough experience as a practitioner to understand the intricacies and critical elements of managing virtual platforms. Rules of Old IT and New IT Cross-training Competency Leaders of IT innovation cannot be completely siloed...

AWS Cloud Computing Tutorial for Beginners

Complete tutorial for beginners on AWS. Also explained AWS security features. 1. What you can do with AWS Store public or private data. Host a static website. These websites use client-side technologies (such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) to display content that doesn't change frequently. A static website doesn't require server-side technologies (such as PHP and ASP.NET). Host a dynamic website, or web app. These websites include classic three-tier applications, with web, application, and database tiers. Support students or online training programs. Process business and scientific data. Handle peak loads. 2. AWS (Amazon Web services different features) AWS Management Console A web interface. To get started, see the Getting Started with the AWS Management Console. AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) Commands for a broad set of AWS products.To get started, see AWS Command Line Interface User Guide. Command Line Tools Commands for individual AWS products. For more information...

How Communication Services happen in CLOUD

(Cloud computing Jobs) For service developers, making services available in the cloud depends on the type of service and the device(s) being used to access it. The process may be as simple as a user clicking on the required web page, or could involve an application using an API accessing the services in the cloud. Telcos are starting to use clouds to release their own services and those developed by others, but using Telco infrastructure and data. The expectation is that the Telco’s communications infrastructure provides a revenue generating opportunity. Using the Communications Services When in the cloud, communications services can extend their capabilities, or stand alone as service offerings, or provide new interactivity capabilities to current services. Cloud-based communications services enable businesses to embed communications capabilities into business applications,such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems. For “o...

What is CompTIA Cloud+ Certification

#What is CompTIA Cloud+ Certification: The CompTIA Cloud+ certification is an internationally recognized validation of the knowledge required of IT practitioners working in cloud computing environments. This exam will certify that the successful candidate has the knowledge and skills required to understand standard cloud terminology and methodologies to implement, maintain, and deliver cloud technologies and infrastructures (e.g., server, network, storage, and visualization technologies); and to understand aspects of IT security and use of industry best practices related to cloud implementations and the application of virtualization. Related: Cloud Computing+Jobs Cloud+ certified professionals ensure that proper security measures are maintained for cloud systems, storage, and platforms to mitigate risks and threats while ensuring usability. The exam is geared toward IT professionals with 24 to 36 months of experience in IT networking, network storage, or data center adminis...

What is Elastic Nature in Cloud Computing

Natural clouds are indeed elastic, expanding and contracting based on the force of the winds carrying them. The cloud is similarly elastic, expanding and shrinking based on resource usage and cloud tenant resource demands. The physical resources (computing, storage, networking, etc.) deployed within the data center or across data centers and bundled as a single cloud usually do not change that fast. This elastic nature, therefore, is something that is built into the cloud at the software stack level, not the hardware. Best cloud computing example:  The classic promise of the cloud is to make compute resources available on demand, which means that theoretically, a cloud should be able to scale as a business grows and shrink as the demand diminishes. Consider here, for example, during Black Friday. There's a spike in inbound traffic, which translates into more memory consumption, increased network density, and increased compute resource utilization. If ha...

Top sub-modules in Cloud Computing Technology Architecture

#Top sub-modules in Cloud Computing Technology Architecture: The main architectural characteristics of a cloud computing environment. One fundamental architectural aspect of a cloud is heterogeneity. A cloud must support the aggregation of heterogeneous hardware and software resources, as it happens with scientific experiments. The concept of virtualization is also a key aspect for clouds. Through virtualization, many users may benefit from the same infrastructure using independent instances. Virtualization enables the first security level in the clouds, since it allows the isolation of environments. In clouds, each user has unique access to its individual virtualized environment. Cloud Architecture Virtualization Heterogeneity Security Resource sharing Scalability Monitoring Resource sharing is provided by clouds, since each resource is represented as a single artifact, giving the impression of a single dedicated resource. Scalability is mainly defined by increasing ...

5 Essential Things for Virtual Private Cloud

Private cloud is particularly assigned to a company using VPN. The VPN is called virtual private network. This post tells you not only features but also benefits. What is virtual private cloud: The concept of a virtual private cloud (VPC) has emerged recently. In a typical approach, a VPC connects an organization's information technology (IT) resources to a dynamically allocated subset of a cloud provider's resources via a virtual private network (VPN). Organizational IT controls are then applied to the collective resources to meet required service levels. As a result, in addition to improved TCO, the model promises organisations direct control of security, reliability and other attributes they have been accustomed to with conventional, internal data centres. The VPC concept is both fundamental and transformation. First, it proposes a distinct abstraction of public resources combined with internal resources that provides equivalent functionality and assurance to a phy...

Differences: Data Center Vs. Telecom Networking

Data Center Networking Data Center (DC)-based services are emerging as a relevant source of network capacity demand for service providers and telecom operators. Cloud computing services, Content Distribution Networks (CDNs), and, generally, networked applications have a huge impact on the telecom operator infrastructure. New trends The Cloud computing paradigm provides a new model for service delivery where computing resources can be provided on-demand across the network. This elasticity permits the sharing of resources among users, thus reducing costs and maximizing utilization while posing a challenge towards an efficient cloud-aware network. The computing resources can be provided on-demand depending on the user requests. Such resources can be allocated on distinct servers into a data center, or through data centers distributed in the network. Under this new model, the users access their assigned resources, as well as the applications and services using them, through telecom o...

Cloud Storage as a Service Basics (2 of 3)

The really awesome point is cloud storage. Yes, you are storing data in cloud. But you need to understand here few good things about it.   What is cloud storage... Cloud storage involves exactly what the name suggests—storing your data with a cloud service provider rather than on a local system. As with other cloud services, you access the data stored on the cloud via an Internet link. Even though data is stored and accessed remotely, you can maintain data both locally and on the cloud as a measure of safety and redundancy.  Cloud storage has a number of advantages over traditional data storage : The benefits.. If you store your data on a cloud, you can get at it from any location that has Internet access.  This makes it especially appealing to road warriors.  Workers don’t need to use the same computer to access data nor do they have to carry around physical storage devices.  Also, if your organization has branch offices, they can all access t...

How to achieve Virtualization in cloud computing real ideas

In order to run applications on a Cloud, one needs a flexible middleware that eases the development and the deployment process. Middleware Approach to Deploy Application on Cloud GridGain provides a middleware that aims to develop and run applications on both public and private Clouds without any changes in the application code.  It is also possible to write dedicated applications based on the map/reduce programming model. Although GridGain provides a mechanism to seamlessly deploy applications on a grid or a Cloud, it does not support the deployment of the infrastructure itself. It does, however, provide protocols to discover running GridGain nodes and organize them into topologies (Local Grid, Global Grid, etc.) to run applications on only a subset of all nodes. Elastic Grid infrastructure provides dynamic allocation, deployment, and management of Java applications through the Cloud.  It also offers a Cloud virtualization layer that abstracts specific Cloud computin...

Understand Data power why quality everyone wants

Information and data quality is new service work for data intense companies. I have seen not only in Analytics projects but in Mainframe projects, there is the Data Quality team. How incorrect data impact on us Information quality problems and their impact are all around us: A customer does not receive an order because of incorrect shipping information. Products are sold below cost because of wrong discount rates. A manufacturing line is stopped because parts were not ordered—the result of inaccurate inventory information. A well-known U.S. senator is stopped at an airport (twice) because his name is on a government "Do not fly" list. Many communities cannot run an election with results that people trust. Financial reform has created new legislation such as Sarbanes—Oxley.  Incorrect data leads to many problems. The role of Data Science is to use quality data for effective decisions. What is information Information is not simply data, strings of numbers, lis...

Big Data: Top Hadoop Interview Questions (4 of 5)

1) What is MAP Reduce program? - You need to give actual steps in this program - You have to write scripts and codes 2) What is MAPReduce? -Mapreduce is a data processing model -It is combination of 2 parts. One is Mappers and the other one is Reducers 3)What will happen in Mapping phase? It takes the input data, and feeds each data element into the mapper 4)What is the function of Reducer? The reducer process all outputs from mapper and arrives at a final result 5)What kind of input required for Mapreduce? It should be structured in the form of (Key,Value) pairs 6)What is HDFS? HDFS is a file system designed for large-scale data processing under frameworks such as MapReduce. 7) Is HDFS like UNIX? No, but commands in HDFS works similarly to UNIX 8) What is Simple file command? hadoop fs -ls 9) How to copy data into HDFS file system? Copy a file into HDFS from local system 10) What is default working directory in HDFS? /user/$USER $USER ==> Your log...

Big Data: Top NoSQL Interview Questions (2 of 5)

1) What is most important character of NoSQL? High Availability 2)Different types of NoSQL databases? Key-Value stores Column Stores Graph Stores Document Stores 3)What is oracle NoSQL database? Oracle NoSQL Database is a distributed key-value database designed to provide highly reliable, scalable, and available data storage across a configurable set of systems. 4)What is the DB engine being used in Oracle NoSQL database? Oracle NoSQL Database uses Oracle Berkeley DB Java Edition as the underlying data storage engine. 5)What is oracle NoSQL database? Oracle NoSQL Database is a shared-nothing system designed to run and scale on commodity hardware. Key-value pairs are hash partitioned across server groups known as shards. At any point in time, a single key-value pair is always associated with a unique shard in the system. 6) What are unique features of Oracle NoSQL? Oracle NoSQL Database leverages the high availability features in Berkeley DB in order to provide res...

Cloud Storage as a Service Basics(1 of 3)

Cloud storage is a model of networked enterprise storage where data is stored in virtualized pools of storage which are generally hosted by third parties. Hosting companies operate large data centers, and customers that require their data to be hosted buy or lease storage capacity from these hosting companies. The data center operators virtualize the resources according to customer requirements and expose them as storage pools, which the customers can use to store data. Physically, the resource may span multiple servers and multiple locations. The safety of the data depends upon the hosting companies and on the applications that leverage the cloud storage. Cloud storage is based on highly virtualized infrastructure and has the same characteristics as cloud computing in terms of agility, scalability, elasticity, and multi-tenancy. It is available both off-premises and on-premises.  While it is difficult to declare a canonical definition of cloud storage architecture, object...

Beginner's Tutorial on Cloud Resources Management(1of 2)

Cloud resource management refers to the allocation of cloud resources, such as processor power, memory capacity, and network bandwidth. Resource management in Cloud computing The resource management system is the system responsible for allocating the cloud resources to users and applications.  For any resource management system to become successful, it needs to flexibly utilize the available cloud resources whilst maintaining service isolation. How resource management works The resource management system is expected to operate under the predefined QoS requirements as set by the customers.  The resource management at cloud scale requires a rich set of resource management schemes. The provider should show an option for scalability. Challenges   The big challenge for cloud service providers is in managing physical and virtual resources according to user-resources demands.  It is in a way that rapidly and dynamically provides resources to applicatio...

The Story behind Mainframe to Cloud Real Journey

Mainframe to CLOUD: Mainframe computing took off in the 1950s and gained much prominence throughout the 1960s. Corporations such as IBM (International Business Machines), Univac, DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation), and Control Data Corporation started developing powerful mainframe systems. These mainframe systems mainly carried out number-crunching for scientists and engineers. The main programming language used was Fortran. Then in the 1960s, the notion of database systems was conceived and corporations developed database systems based on the network and hierarchical data models. The database applications at that time were written mainly in COBOL. Cloud Vs Mainframe In the 1970s, corporations such as DEC created the notion of mini-computers. An example is DEC's VAX machine. These machines were much smaller than the mainframe systems. Around that time, terminals were developed. This way, programmers did not have to go to computing centers and use punch cards...

5 Key Characteristics of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing terminology and definition are often confusing for many software developers. The tutorial helps you to know the cloud characteristics quickly. Cloud computing is commonly characterized as providing three types of functionality that provide computing services from a remote location over a network. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), a U.S. government agency, has a definition of cloud computing that is generally considered the gold standard. Providing Service over a Network generally call it as Cloud Computing Rather than trying to create my own definition, I always defer to NIST's definition. The following information is drawn directly from it. Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or serv...