
Showing posts with the label Data analytics

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PowerCurve for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide

PowerCurve is a complete suite of decision-making solutions that help businesses make efficient, data-driven decisions. Whether you're new to PowerCurve or want to understand its core concepts, this guide will introduce you to chief features, applications, and benefits. What is PowerCurve? PowerCurve is a decision management software developed by Experian that allows organizations to automate and optimize decision-making processes. It leverages data analytics, machine learning, and business rules to provide actionable insights for risk assessment, customer management, fraud detection, and more. Key Features of PowerCurve Data Integration – PowerCurve integrates with multiple data sources, including internal databases, third-party data providers, and cloud-based platforms. Automated Decisioning – The platform automates decision-making processes based on predefined rules and predictive models. Machine Learning & AI – PowerCurve utilizes advanced analytics and AI-driven models ...

5 SQL Queries That Popularly Used in Data Analysis

 Here are five popular SQL queries frequently used in data analysis. 1. SELECT with Aggregations Summarize data by calculating aggregates like counts, sums, averages, etc. SELECT department, COUNT(*) as employee_count, AVG(salary) as average_salary FROM employees GROUP BY department; 2. JOIN Operations  Combine data from multiple tables based on a related column. SELECT e.employee_id,, d.department_name FROM employees e JOIN departments d ON e.department_id = d.department_id; 3. WHERE Clause for Filtering Filter records based on specified conditions. SELECT * FROM sales WHERE sale_date BETWEEN '2024-01-01' AND '2024-12-31'   AND amount > 1000; 4. ORDER BY Clause for Sorting Sort results in ascending or descending order based on one or more columns. SELECT product_name, price FROM products ORDER BY price DESC; 5. GROUP BY with HAVING Clause Group records and apply conditions to the aggregated results. SELECT department, SUM(salary) as total_salaries FROM employ...

15 Top Data Analyst Interview Questions: Read Now

We will explore the world of data analysis using Python, covering topics such as data manipulation, visualization, machine learning, and more. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced data professional, join us on this journey as we dive into the exciting realm of Python analytics and unlock the power of data-driven insights. Let's harness Python's versatility and explore the endless possibilities it offers for extracting valuable information from datasets. Get ready to level up your data analysis skills and stay tuned for informative and practical content! Python Data Analyst Interview Questions 01: How do you import the pandas library in Python?  A: To import the pandas library in Python, you can use the following statement: import pandas as pd. Q2: What is the difference between a Series and a DataFrame in pandas?  A: A Series in pandas is a one-dimensional labeled array, while a DataFrame is a two-dimensional labeled data structure with columns of potentially differen...

Why MySQL You Need to Master for Data Analytics Jobs

MySQL Before you can start analysing data, you are going to actually have to have some data on hand. That means a database – preferably a relational one. If you had your sights set on a non-relational, NoSQL database solution, you might want to step back and catch your breath. NoSQL databases are unique because of their independence from the Structured Query Language (SQL) found in relational databases. Relational databases all use SQL as the domain-specific language for ad hoc queries, whereas non-relational databases have no such standard query language, so they can use whatever they want –including SQL. Non-relational databases also have their own APIs designed for maximum scalability and flexibility. When You Need to Learn NoSQL Databases? NoSQL databases are typically designed to excel in two specific areas: speed and scalability. But for the purposes of learning about data concepts and analysis, such super-powerful tools are pretty much overkill. In other words, you...

Old School Guide Data Analyst Responsibilities

The results of your analysis may be super meaningful and obvious to you, but they won’t be to anyone else. That’s because you know what questions you were looking to answer when you set out to do the analysis in the first place. Your Role-You know exactly what data the dataset includes and excludes. Plus you wrote the queries that ultimately produced the visualization or report you’re looking at. That’s a lot of contexts that you need to share in order for other people to understand what the numbers mean. Sharing Results-When sharing the results of your analysis, write out the conclusions you are drawing from the data and what business actions you think should be taken as a result of the analysis (e.g. our conversion decreased with this latest release and we should rollback). Not only do other folks perhaps not have the context to interpret the data correctly, they probably don’t find it as fascinating as you do and may not have the time to derive meaning from the data. Communi...

Data Analytics Engineers - Salaries

#Data Analytics Engineers - Salaries and career options: Some key skills which are very crucial for an employee these days are the ability to communicate disruptive ideas, multi-disciplinary skills with appropriate depth of specialisation, learnability and resilience," said Prithvi Shergill, chief human resources officer, HCL Technologies, the country's fifth-largest technology company. So, an engineer with 2-3 years' experience working in data analytics can expect a salary of Rs 4-6 lakh in India and $70-80,000 in the US or Europe.  But without big data skills, the same engineer can earn only Rs 3-5 lakh, according to Anurag Gupta, chief operating officer at Magna Infotech, an IT staffing firm. Experience of 5-6 years in data analytics can help an engineer command a salary of up to Rs 10-12 lakh in the domestic market, according to Kamal Karanth, India MD of staffing firm Kelly Services. Firms like IPsoft, Happiest Minds and Mu Sigma, operating in automati...

Wipro Expecting More Projects on Analytics and Cloud

#Wipro Expecting More Projects on Analytics and Cloud: Bangalore-based IT firm WiproBSE 1.17 % expects to land bigger deals for solutions based on digital technologies like social, mobility, analytics and cloud, a sign that companies are willing to increase their spend on these discretionary areas.  "While our sweet spot is deals in the $2.5-3.5 million (Rs 15-21 crore) range, we are seeing deals worth $5-10 million (about Rs 30-60 crore) in the pipeline," Jeff Heenan-Jalil, global head of Wipro's advanced technology solutions unit said   in an interview to ET.  Wipro's rivals including TCS, InfosysBSE 1.65 % and Accenture have all created separate units to target the digital business, which is based on the technologies which go by the acronym SMAC. The business has typically involved smaller deals till now and posed a problem for IT companies trying to raise their share of revenue from these services.  Read more at:

These 2 top skills you need to become an analyst

Pools of master data present in repositories play a big role in data analytics. For example, data is already re-posited in data warehouses. Example, product data, customer data etc. Big data needs mixed skills. For example - technical skills and some soft skills. 1# Technical Skills One being able to administer software frameworks like: Hadoop,  expertise in databases like noSQL,  Cassandra or HBase  analytics programming languages and facilities like R or Pig. 2# Soft Kills Ability of people to think broadly across the organization, to understand the bottom-line needs of the business, to know which analytics questions to pose to get to those bottom lines, and to measure and communicate results. Additional Technical Skills - SAS, Cognos Re lated Hadoop top 100 complex Interview Questions

Excel Analytics: The complete best explained Free Tutorials

Can you do analytics—either kind—using Excel? Sure. Excel has a large array of tools that bear directly on analytics, including various mathematical and statistical functions that calculate logarithms, regression statistics, matrix multiplication and inversion, and many of the other tools needed for different kinds of analytics. But not all the tools are native to Excel.  For example, some situations call for you to use logistic regression: a technique that can work much better than ordinary least-squares regression when you have an outcome variable that takes on a very limited range of values, perhaps only two. Odds ratios are the workhorses of logistic regression, but although Excel offers a generous supply of least-squares functions, it doesn’t offer a maximum likelihood odds ratio function.  The below list makes you strong in Excel analytics Microsoft Excel 2010 Data Analysis With Functions Analytics with Excel - Book Cloud data analytics from Excel Quantitative ...

Google Analytics Top Free Courses

With the "Google Analytics Training: Getting Started with Google Analytics" I would like to help you get started with Google Analytic s and be able to get actionable insights from it. You will learn how to start tracking conversion rates and what data you need to analyze in order to improve them. List of Courses Courses on Google Analytics This Google Analytics training course will help you master the basics and see what it takes to turbocharge your website performance. References Free Course Link

7 top initial steps you need before you start HR predictive analytics

Top criteria you need before you start analytics in the Human Resource department. I am sure you need many approvals to start analytics in HR. The risks involved to start analytics in the Human Resource department You must comply with the legal requirements in which you operate as it relates to the use of people data. The reason is the analytical insights should reflect the cultural and social marks of your organization. You need to get involved all stakeholders involved and what the cost of what you're doing is relative to the benefit of doing it. Use analytics through accountable processes, one of which should be acknowledging that using predictive analytics with the workforce has the potential for negative impact, not just positive impact, Walzer said. Engage the legal department to make sure you understand any implications before you've done something, not after the fact. Assess whether the use of analytics involves sensitive areas, which it often will, Walzer s...

Data Science Real Advantages to Read Today

Real business solution you can get from data science analysis. Your sales is the main requirement. No sales means no business. Data Analytics helps to boost your organization sales. Real Advantages of Data Science My presentation here gives you complete business picture of data analytics , and skills companies expecting from analytics team. Data analytics -The data can be from web, user devices, own databases and Social media AI -Delivering products based on artificial intelligence Big data -Data of any format and you need to make ready for analysis. You can understand patterns of people You can explore current market You can explore solutions to Agriculture You can show answers to weather Predicting the disaster like earth-quake  Data Analytics what else you can read Data Analytics from Srinimf | Tech.Jobs. Biz.Success Also Read Uses of Data Analytics from HBR

India is gearing for awesome Data Analytics Jobs

There is no surprise in India, all companies started building Data analytics team and infrastructure. With a lot of Indian companies building their data analytics team, the requirement in the domestic market for this skill will increase over the next couple of years. The requirement for Data Analytics  There will be an increased demand for data analytics professionals. Industry experts believe that currently big data and analytics is one of the top three skills in demand in India.  Organizations are looking at their internal set of data to understand the business better – as a result, there will be an explosion of various job opportunities in this area. Top three segments where huge demand for data analytics engineers are Data Science, Statistics, Technical specialists with multiple skills. Top Demand Roles in Data Analytics Some of the requirements are for tech personnel, statistician, econometrician, data scientist, analytical consultant, functional c...

IBM these are analytics solutions offering to different industries

Every industry has its own particular big data challenges. Banks need to analyze streaming transactions in real time to quickly identify potential fraud. Utility companies need to analyze energy usage data to gain control over demand.  Retailers need to understand the social sentiment around their products and markets to develop more effective campaigns and promotions. Analytics solutions help organizations take control of big data and uncover the insights they need to make the best decisions. IBM has Analytics Solutions in various lines: Banks: Apply analytics to improve customer experiences and operational efficiency, and integrate risk into daily decision making. Communication:Uncover insights about customers, network performance and market trends to make better business decisions. Retail: Build lifetime customer relationships by meeting demands for innovative products while containing costs. Education: Make more informed decisions to improve student perfo...

Top Skills You need for Data Science Engineers

Data science job is not straight forward coding job. But coding is part of it. You need both Technical and business skills to be successful. Responsibilities Dealing with internal customers Getting data from multiple data sources Dealing with Admins of lot other databases Preparing reports with Tableau More: R for Data science with real time examples Qualifications: Lot of coding skills needed Positive attitude Innovative way of problem solving Degree in engineering Lot of business knowledge

I have 8 Years Experience in IT. How I Can Move Into Analytics Career

You have now great experience in Information Technology. Still you are looking for change. The reason is data analytics is growing field, and applying in many fields .

Data analysis report these are example queries to use on final data

ApplyAnalytics@twitter The role of data analysis will come into picture, once you have cleaned and filter the raw unstructured data. The next stage is called analysis. Your success of data analysis project is based preparing highly informative final report. Tip:  What could you investigate with data To prepare analysis report, you need to ask some intelligent questions. These are example questions you can use. Based on your questions, you  need to prepare SQL queries to get the desired report or dashboard from your final data or cleaned data.  The report or dashboard should be such that it should improve client business. Let us use some case study on world bank data, what are the questions come into mind:  How much (in USD) is spent on healthcare in total in each country?  How much (in USD) is spent per capita in each country?  In which country is the most spent per person?  In which country is the least spe...

Career in analytics these 3 are top tips you need

There is a big question to be successful in analytics career. I am giving most popular ideas to be successful in this analytics career. There are absolutely three... The tip number one is you need to be familiar with different types of analytics. Web Analytics Financial Analytics Marketing Analytics Education Analytics Retail Analytics Health Care Analytics The second one is you should have right kind of training at less expensive way. In the booming Analytics Industry, one needs right course of training and experience, and working experience of case studies on selected analytics area, really boost your career. I am sure Udemy is offering lot of courses . The third rule and idea is correct mindset Assertive Communication   BE PROACTIVE - Be Proactive is about taking responsibility for your life. You can't keep blaming everything on your parents or grandparents. Proactive people recognize that they are "response-able." They don...

Three top big data trainings useful to get deep insights

I have selected 3 top professional training programs for all working engineers. ISB- Indian School of Business:  started a course in "Certificate Program" in Analytics: The use of Business Analytics is widespread across all industries and functions, including Information Technology, Web/E-commerce, Healthcare, Law Enforcement, Banking and Insurance, Biotechnology, Human Resource Management. WIPRO-Started deepening: its Analytical Business with " OPERA SOLUTIONS":Opera Solutions will allow Wipro engineers to offer solutions for customers based on the predictive analytics company's technology platform, according to a senior executive of the New Jersey based company.  SAAS - Software as a service changed INDIA IT indutsry: Empowering non-tech employees.The SaaS revolution in India is also bringing about another important change in organizations. "The CMO today is even more empowered than before," said Gartner's Padmanabhan. "Previously, ...

Real Opportunities to Get a Job in Data Analytics

In my recent analysis, I have found that a lot of jobs will be created in big data analysis area. I have listed the real opportunities here. I have collected a few of the things, and I am sharing with you. Opportunities ahead to get a job  The huge volume of data created by users from multiple devices in a variety of formats.  Need specialized skills to analyze the data, and to get predictive results. The tools developed by SAP, IBM, and Oracle provide multiple opportunities to start a career in data analytics.   Video on job opportunities

5 top data warehousing questions to read before interview

Hey, welcome to data analytics. Here I have given a few questions and answers. The below five questions helps you to understand very basics on data analytics. These are very basic questions. But, for laymen, they can understand easily and also good for interviews. Questions on Business Intelligence What is Business Intelligence?  It is a well-established process in the business world whereby decision makers integrate strategic thinking with IT  What is Web Analytics?  It is the collection, analysis, and reporting of Web site usage by visitors and customers of a website in order to better understand the effectiveness of online initiatives and other changes to the website in an objective, the scientific way through experimentation, testing, and measurement.  What is academic analytics?  This is the area analytics applied in academia  What is action analytics?  This is the area of analytics to produce actionable inte...