
Showing posts with the label ORA-01722

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15 Python Tips : How to Write Code Effectively

 Here are some Python tips to keep in mind that will help you write clean, efficient, and bug-free code.     Python Tips for Effective Coding 1. Code Readability and PEP 8  Always aim for clean and readable code by following PEP 8 guidelines.  Use meaningful variable names, avoid excessively long lines (stick to 79 characters), and organize imports properly. 2. Use List Comprehensions List comprehensions are concise and often faster than regular for-loops. Example: squares = [x**2 for x in range(10)] instead of creating an empty list and appending each square value. 3. Take Advantage of Python’s Built-in Libraries  Libraries like itertools, collections, math, and datetime provide powerful functions and data structures that can simplify your code.   For example, collections.Counter can quickly count elements in a list, and itertools.chain can flatten nested lists. 4. Use enumerate Instead of Range     When you need both the index ...

How to Resolve ORA-01722 Invalid Number Error in Oracle SQL Developer

When working with Oracle SQL Developer, you may come across an error message that reads "ORA-01722: invalid number". This error can be frustrating and difficult to understand, especially if you're new to SQL. In this post, I will explain the cause of this error and provide a solution to resolve it. Cause of the Error - ORA-01722 Let's consider an example where we have two tables named "my_hr" and "my_dept". The "my_hr" table contains three columns - "name", "pay_id", and "user_id", while the "my_dept" table contains two columns - "name" and "user_id". CREATE TABLE my_hr ( name CHAR(20), pay_id NUMBER, user_id CHAR(6) ); CREATE TABLE my_dept ( name CHAR(20), user_id CHAR(6) ); Now, let's insert some sample data into these tables: INSERT INTO my_hr VALUES ('Srini', 567, '123456'); INSERT INTO my_dept VALUES ('Srini', '123456'); If we try to execu...