
Showing posts with the label internet-of-things

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PowerCurve for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide

PowerCurve is a complete suite of decision-making solutions that help businesses make efficient, data-driven decisions. Whether you're new to PowerCurve or want to understand its core concepts, this guide will introduce you to chief features, applications, and benefits. What is PowerCurve? PowerCurve is a decision management software developed by Experian that allows organizations to automate and optimize decision-making processes. It leverages data analytics, machine learning, and business rules to provide actionable insights for risk assessment, customer management, fraud detection, and more. Key Features of PowerCurve Data Integration – PowerCurve integrates with multiple data sources, including internal databases, third-party data providers, and cloud-based platforms. Automated Decisioning – The platform automates decision-making processes based on predefined rules and predictive models. Machine Learning & AI – PowerCurve utilizes advanced analytics and AI-driven models ...

IoT real concept for auto insurance

IoT in insurance is a connected car which helps transforming how insurance premiums can be calculated. With the help of a small wireless device that plugs into the diagnostic port, Metromile offers a “per-mile” usage-based insurance. Often, low-mileage drivers overpay for insurance because they’re subsidizing those who drive the most. Insurance Calculation But since the number one risk indicator for drivers is time on the road, Metromile can offer insurance pro-rata by tracking the miles driven. #Mile-based insurance an application of IoT: According to wiki: Usage-based insurance (UBI) -also known as pay as you drive (PAYD) and pay how you drive (PHYD) and mile-based auto insurance   is a type of vehicle insurance whereby the costs are dependent upon the type of vehicle used, measured against time, distance, behavior, and place. This differs from traditional insurance, which attempts to differentiate and reward "safe" drivers, giving them lower premiums and/or a...

Protocols: Top 6 Key Parts

In telecommunications, a protocol is a system of rules that allow two or more entities of a communications system to transmit information. The medium can be any kind of entity.

IoT Architecture for very new developers: part 1 of 6

What is the architecture of internet of things -The three-layer DCM classification is more about the IoT value chain than its system architecture at run time. I hope you enjoyed with my previous  post-5  on IOT. For system architecture, some have divided the IoT system into as many as nine layers, from bottom to top: devices connectivity data collection communication device management. data rules administration applications integration While large companies such as IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, and others have comprehensive solutions, products, and services that cover almost the entire value chain. Recommendation for you:     Part-2  |  Part-1 Broadly IOT architecture can be classified as three layers: Device Layer Communication Layer Mangement Layer Device Layer: Devices or assets can be categorized as two groups: those that have inherent intelligence such as electric meters or heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVA...